Friday, 3 April 2009

the sun, a yellow dwarf

note: this post is intended to be sung in my deep and sexually arousing voice, whilst in the wine cellar of king's co(l)le(rid)ge.

(i) see the sun sinking like a ship (that i need to right), like i right foundering dissertations - though of course the sun is not as important as the merest passing fancy that flits through the mind of man.

hey gal, let's make hay-gel when the sun shines (one of those passing fancies which are more important than the sun). [hay-gel: putting a paste of straw mixed with dung in your hair to keep your hair out of your eyes, and make you smell attractive (to country folk).]

sun-beating love,

x 0 x 0

ps: the aroma of those truffles is really penetrating, but i am still not convinced that food is an aesthetic ex-pier-ee-ence. oh damn. i (w)rote that already. wine fuzzes mybrain.

the aroma of those truffles is really penetrating, but i am still not convinced that food is an aesthetic ex-pier-ee-ence.

this was a potentially compromising situation, in hindsight, but at the time it just felt right, drunk as i was, not only on all the wine from the cellars, but also on the sheer intoxicatory nature of life, and of course on my ability to make art matter, that near-magical gift of mine.

half-regretful love,

cassie nova.

x 0h x 0h

wine de day; or, whine of de de

i direct your attention to: 'Particular roles: Wine Steward'. pretentious? soi? certainly not: art matters more when i'm drunk, and nothing matters more than that. let me tell you a little mo(o)re about this roll/role and what it entails: the cod-ledges of boxford university, among which memphis is no exception, are renowned for their extensive cellarage and celery. that's what the whine wracks are made out of: structural(ist) celery. that's what makes the glass green. the celery is used for its 'weeping' properties; kept damp and dripping, so that the glass of the wine bottles is infused with its green.


x ooo x ooo


Thursday, 2 April 2009

'methinks they do protest too much'...

...he said as he called the police in to drag the students away.

[myfootnote 1 : "It is said that Adorno asked for the help of police to remove the students that had occupied the Frankfurt Institute in fear of vandalism." In other words, students were so terrified by the threat of vandalism that they had to flee inside the Institute for protection/ sanctuary. But crusty old Theodor decided to show no mercy and threw them out again.]

Question: "so he came out on the side of the pigs in the end?"

Answer(s): (Stage disjection: simultaneous utterances) "yes he did."/ "no he didn't."

ps: my son's knowledge of German critical theory astounds me even more than my own ability to make art matter when drunk. soon he will inherit the wine stewardship.

blessings and love,


x 0 x 0
(gossip guy)